====BackupPC 4 on CentOS 8==== https://kifarunix.com/install-and-configure-backuppc-on-centos-8/ BackupPC was the first beautiful system I had ever seen, this was 3.x and was used to backup about 100 WinXP clients on a non-domain network, the clients used Outlook with POP3 accounts, clients were in use from 8am until 8pm. With ever changing PST files and the need to backup daily traditional image based backups weren't practical (and they didn't work reliably). BackupPC and rsync was the cure; automatically scheduled backups with minimal impact on the user, deduplication and compression... each time I touched the system my love for it grew. Then along came funding and a proper network with folder redirection and Zimbra for email (so not full funding...); BackupPC though still beautiful wasn't critical anymore. I am here to renew a relationship with a long lost love. ====System Setup==== We are going to backup encrypted virtual disk images via rsync over SSH, so compression is going to be disabled for this one... ==Partitioning== Install CentOS 8 minimal with 2GB /boot, then LVM with 10GB for /, xGB for swap and an appropriate amount of space for /var/lib/BackupPC. ==Network== Set hostname and static IP. ==Date/Time== Select your timezone, enable NTP ==Software selection== Minimal Begin install and create your root password. ==Post Initial Install== Update, install VIM then reboot dnf update dnf install vim shutdown -r now ==Create limited user account and add to wheel group for sudo== useradd example_user && passwd example_user usermod -aG wheel example_user Logout of root and login using sudo user ==Disallow root login over SSH== sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config then set PermitRootLogin no ==Restart SSHD== sudo systemctl restart sshd ====Install BackupPC==== Love is in the air... sudo dnf install epel-release sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled PowerTools sudo dnf install backuppc ====Configure BackupPC==== Edit the main config sudo vim /etc/BackupPC/config.pl