====Install OS and Packages===== * Install CentOS 8 minimal with a network card for each LAN/VLAN, set static IPs, have 100GB space available; 1-2GB RAM is fine for smaller networks (example PFSense and Untangle sending syslog on 120 user network used only 100MB RAM). * Install/enable epel repo sudo dnf install epel-release * Install syslog-ng and vim (cause you know it's da BEST!) sudo dnf install syslog-ng vim logrotate bzip2 * Enable and start syslog-ng sudo systemctl enable syslog-ng && sudo systemctl start syslog-ng * Disable the gateway on all but one of your ifcfg-ethX devices, probably leave the one that can route to multiple networks with the gateway enabled (e.g a management LAN will typically only be accessible by and have access to a single subnet so no routing is needed). https://github.com/syslog-ng/syslog-ng/issues/2667 \\ You may need to fix syslog-ng's systemd service file as it fails to start after a reboot because the network isn't ready. sudo vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/syslog-ng.service Add the following under [Unit] Wants=network.target network-online.target After=network.target network-online.target Reload the deamon sudo systemctl daemon-reload ====Configure syslog-ng to receive logs==== https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/creating-centralized-syslog-server \\ https://community.spiceworks.com/topic/2084362-syslog-ng-for-multiple-sources \\ https://www.rfaircloth.com/tags/syslog-ng/ \\ https://lists.balabit.hu/pipermail/syslog-ng/2014-March/021290.html \\ http://monitoringartist.github.io/community.zenoss.org/message/48987.html * Edit syslog-ng config file sudo vim /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/remote.devices.conf * Add the content below (I prefer TCP since I want to make sure I have all logs files where UDP could miss a few). This accepts tcp/udp on the default ports and uses filters to output to different logs files based on hostname/ip address (note: some devices send IP address for some data and their hostname for other, PFSense has done this so I like both variables included).There is also a filter that will exclude all other filtered hosts so that any unknown items will get logged to the unknown log... ### Accept connections from tcp/upd source s_network_a { udp(ip( port(514)); tcp(ip( port(514) max-connections(5000)); }; ### Filters to separate logs by ip/host and a filter to catch all that don't match filter f_ht49_langw_haddentech_com { netmask(""); or host("ht49-langw.haddentech.com"); }; filter f_ht49_wangw_haddentech_com { netmask(""); or host("ht49-wangw.haddentech.com"); }; filter f_unknown { not ( netmask("") or netmask("") or host("ht49-langw.haddentech.com") or host("ht49-wangw.haddentech.com") ); }; ### Destinations for to keep a local copy and send them on further. Note the SIEM/OSSIM destination has spoof_source(yes) otherwise the SIEM will log it under the syslog servers IP. destination d_ossim { udp("" spoof_source(yes)); }; destination d_ht49_langw_haddentech_com { file("/var/log/remote/ht49-langw.haddentech.com.log"); }; destination d_ht49_wangw_haddentech_com { file("/var/log/remote/ht49-wangw.haddentech.com.log"); }; destination d_unknown { file("/var/log/remote/unknown.log"); }; ### And it all comes together... log { source(s_network_a); filter(f_ht49_langw_haddentech_com); destination(d_ht49_langw_haddentech_com); destination(d_ossim); }; log { source(s_network_a); filter(f_ht49_wangw_haddentech_com); destination(d_ht49_wangw_haddentech_com); destination(d_ossim); }; log { source(s_network_a); filter(f_unknown); destination(d_unknown); destination(d_ossim); }; * Add the remote folder to /var/log sudo mkdir /var/log/remote * Restart syslog-ng sudo systemctl restart syslog-ng * Add firewall rule to allow log traffic in and reload firewalld sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=514/tcp sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=514/udp sudo firewall-cmd --reload ====SELinux Steps==== If you need to use non-standard ports or need to troubleshoot or use semanage to make a rule here is an example of what to do: sudo dnf install policycoreutils-python sudo semanage port -a -t syslogd_port_t -p tcp 8100 sudo semanage port -a -t syslogd_port_t -p udp 8100 sudo semanage fcontext -a -t var_log_t /var/splunk-syslog sudo restorecon -v '/var/splunk-syslog' sudo logger -d -P 8100 -n -p 1 "test2" sudo cd /root sudo mkdir selinux sudo cd selinux sudo audit2allow -M syslog-ng-modified -l -i /var/log/audit/audit.log #verify the file does not contain anything no related to syslog sudo vim syslog-ng-modified.te sudo semodule -i syslog-ng-modified.pp ====Logrotate==== http://danielsokolowski.blogspot.com/2012/09/maximum-logrotate-compression-with-bzip2.html * Create logrotate configuration sudo vim /etc/logrotate.d/remote * Add the following to enable bzip2 compression since I plan on holding onto logs for 390 days, rotate 900 is so that if logs get big and are rotated more than once a day I'll still have them for over a year... /var/log/remote/*.log { daily create 0644 root root rotate 900 maxage 395 maxsize 100M dateext dateformat -%Y-%m-%d_%s notifempty compress compresscmd /bin/bzip2 uncompresscmd /bin/bunzip2 compressoptions -9 compressext .bz2 copytruncate } Note: Logrotate runs once daily by default, if your logs are getting too big before days end then you'll want to increase the frequency that logrotate runs.