Login to the USM Appliance web UI, and then go to Configuration > Deployment.
Under AlienVault Components Information, click the System Details icon (system details) of the system you want to change.
On the next page, click General Configuration, located top-right above the System Status.
In the General Configuration form, select Yes for Mail Server Relay.
This expands the form to disclose new fields.
Type the Server IP, the username and password used for the mail server, and the port number in the respective fields.

Note: All of the USM Anywhere Sensors use the Syslog Server app to collect syslog event log data for processing. The USM Anywhere Sensor passively listens to the syslog ports; USM Anywhere collects data through syslog over UDP on port 514 by default; USM Anywhere collects data through syslog over TCP on port 601 by default; USM Anywhere collects TLS-encrypted data through syslog over TCP on port 6514 by default.

Note: If OSSIM is virtualized and you need the host to be able to shutdown the guest then add the qemu-ga channel and install the qemu-guest-agent. You can also install the Zabbix agent if you want to monitor your OSSIM host (it starts without needing to configure the systemd options as in RHEL8/CentOS8)

There seems to be a problem with some things hanging on shutdown/update: https://success.alienvault.com/s/question/0D50Z000098iZGOSA2/system-update-will-not-proceed-without-killing-processroot-43869-43868-0-1323-pts1-000000-binbash-varlibdpkginfoalienvaultopenvas9fe

apt update
/etc/init.d/monit stop
killall -9 openvassd
killall -9 openvasmd
killall -9 redis-server
killall -9 dpkg
rm -rf /var/lib/redis/*;
apt upgrade -y