Create a powershell script with the following
Import-Module ActiveDirectory Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Property * | Select-Object Name,OperatingSystem,@{N='LastLogonTimestamp'; E={[DateTime]::FromFileTime($_.LastLogon)}},whenCreated,DistinguishedName | Export-CSV "C:\\Data\ADcomputerslist.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Run it on a domain controller
This is useful for finding unknown or forgotten local accounts (for security reasons ofc)… it is assumed you're doing this from domain admin account on a domain controller.
Create a powershell script with the following:
$computers = Get-Content -Path C:\data\computers.txt Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computers -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter "LocalAccount='True'" | Select PSComputername, Name, Status, Disabled, AccountType, Lockout, PasswordRequired, PasswordChangeable, SID | Export-csv C:\data\local_users.csv -NoTypeInformation
Make a list of computers in a text document (new computer on each line) and run the script (update the paths as needed).