Fix Services/Status not Working in Admin Console

Received following error when trying to view services status after and upgrade from 8.8.15 OSS to 9.0 NE

Message: error while proxying request to target server: Connection refused Error code: service.PROXY_ERROR Method: [unknown] Details:soap:Receiver

The usual fix was tried without result but it may be needed prior to the final fix anyway

sudo /opt/zimbra/libexec/zmsyslogsetup
sudo su - zimbra
zmcontrol restart
zmcontrol status

A good search yielded the site of a person I'm grateful to for posting the fix.

Check the log hostname, it should match the domain name of the server that the logger in running on

zmprov gacf | grep zimbraLogHostname

Mine didn't match so I ran

zmprov mcf zimbraLogHostname
zmcontrol restart

And all was well…