
Powering Off and On
Noting special needs to be done when powering off or on the well pump, just pull the switch inside the box at the well to cut power and put it back in to turn it on
Well Specifics
-Power and and water pipe likely go in straight line from well pressure tank house.
-Well pump is 240V
Pressure Tank Specifics
-There is another check valve at the pressure tank.
-Tank PSI should be 50PSI
Well Springless Schrader Valve
Once a year replace the springless schrader valve at the well head. Rememeber it must be a springless schrader valve. Turn off power to the pump, replace the schrader valve and turn power back on.

The well installer said if the schrader valve goes bad it could cause a $5000 repair, it seems to be that when it's bad, somehow the pump will kick on and off more frequently and this will kill the pump... I think.

A link to someone asking about a schrader valve: https://terrylove.com/forums/index.php?threads%2Fwell-valve-purpose-and-operation.93857%2F
Gate Valves (water pipe valves to start and stop water flow)
Gate valves should be turned completely closed then completely open at least once a year to help deal with issues caused by hard water, this should be done on all valves throughout the house, not just at the well or pressure tank.
-Was told there is no need to periodically sanitize well unless something like E. coli is found.
-A paper water filter was recommended to help reduce sand in the system among other filter capabilities. This is what the well person said they used: https://www.homedepot.com/p/GE-Whole-House-Water-Filtration-System-GXWH60T/322195897 they have 2 of them in parallel on their system. Model is GE GXWH60T
  • home_maintenance/well/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2025/01/17 19:08
  • by jacob.hydeman