
How to copy files to and from a BlackBerry 10 over a Wi-Fi network:

Tip: Before enabling Wi-Fi Access, give your BlackBerry Z10 a nickname so you can easily identify it on your network. To do this, tap Settings on your Home screen followed by About, and then enter the nickname you’d like to use in the Device Name field.

How to enable Wi-Fi Access on a Z10 Complete the following steps to turn on Wi-Fi Access as well as set up a password to restrict access to your smartphone over Wi-Fi.

While viewing the BlackBerry 10 Home screen, swipe down from the top of screen Tap Settings followed by Storage and Access. Set the Access using Wi-Fi switch to On When prompted, enter a storage access password. Tap Identification on Network and make note of the Username.

How to identify your BlackBerry Z10 IP Address Provided you have enabled Wi-Fi Access to your BlackBerry Z10, the next step is identifying the BlackBerry Z10 IP Address so you can connect to it.

While viewing the BlackBerry Z10 Home screen, swipe down from the top of screen Tap Settings followed by About Tap the Category bar and select Network Under Wi-Fi, record your IPv4 address Note; When recording your IP address, you only need to record the first 4 quadrants, i.e. You do not need to record the trailing number, you only need the first four quadrants (the bolded numbers), i.e. /22

How to access the BlackBerry Z10 over Wi-Fi using Microsoft Windows Since we have enabled Wi-Fi Access to the BlackBerry Z10 and obtained the IP Address, all that’s left do is connect to your smartphone.

On your Microsoft Windows computer, select Start followed by Run If you are using Microsoft Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, you may need to search for the Run option first. If you cannot find the Run option, open My Computer that appears on your computer’s desktop, and type the address mentioned in the next step in the My Computer address bar instead. Enter the following following “”\\\” and replace with the IP address you identified earlier. When prompted, enter BlackBerry for the username and type the Wi-Fi Access password you set earlier The Z10 file system will appear, select Media to access your Z10 Device Memory or select Removable_Media SDCARD to access the MicroSD card.

  • tech_documents/blackberry_10.txt
  • Last modified: 2022/01/12 06:13
  • by jacob.hydeman