Cold Backup Script
#!/bin/bash # # This script shuts down virtual guests (it's helpful for Windows guests to have the qemu-agent + virtio serial device and drive installed + channel qemu-ga; this ensures proper shutdown). # This version of the script uses pigz for compression and mbuffer to buffer... # Install pigz via "yum install pigz" and enable the EPEL repo to install mbuffer "yum install epel-release" then "yum install mbuffer" # yum install epel-release && yum install pigz mbuffer tar # This is who we'll back up # machines="DMS-ACCESS-PA" # # Keep the house clean # days_to_keep="6" # # Store backups here. NFS to another machine would make sense. # so that your backups are not local. # backup_dir="/mnt/" # # Logs go here. # log_dir="/mnt/" # # End parameters # #================================================================= # # Timestamp for the log file # right_now=`date '+%m%d%Y_%H%M%p'` exec 1>/${log_dir}/backup_vms.${right_now}.log 2>&1 print_date() { date '+%m%d%Y_%H%M%p' } for machine in $machines do if [[ ! -d ${backup_dir}/${machine} ]]; then mkdir -p ${backup_dir}/${machine} fi echo "Backing up VM configuration" virsh dumpxml $machine > ${backup_dir}/${machine}/${machine}.xml echo "Sending shutdown signal to $machine" virsh shutdown --mode=agent $machine virsh shutdown $machine echo " Return code: $?" echo -n "Waiting for machine to shut down " sleep 120 for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do echo -n "." # Note, grep -v "BACKUP" is used to exclude any disk images that backup in their name, use as needed. virsh list | grep -v "^$" | grep -v "^ Id" | grep -v "\-\-\-\-\-" | awk '{print $2" "$3}' | grep $machine | while read name state do if [[ $state -eq "running" ]] then sleep 600 fi done done echo "Copying disk(s)" virsh domblklist $machine | grep -v "^$" | grep -v "^Target" | grep -v "\-\-\-\-\-" | grep -v "BACKUP" | awk '{print $2}' | while read disk do echo " $disk ..." copy_disk="${backup_dir}/${machine}/`basename ${disk}`.tar.gz.`print_date`" echo " Copying $disk to $copy_disk" fuser $disk 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if (( $? == 0 )) then echo " Disk $disk is still in use! " else echo " Copy started at `print_date`" # cp $disk $copy_disk tar -c $disk | mbuffer | pigz -1 | mbuffer > $copy_disk echo " Return code: $?" echo " Copy ended at `print_date`" # echo " Backgrounding bzip of $copy_disk" # nohup bzip2 $copy_disk & fi done echo "Starting machine $machine" virsh start $machine echo " Return code: $?" echo done # echo "Removing old backups." find $backup_dir -type f -mtime +$days_to_keep -ls find $backup_dir -type f -mtime +$days_to_keep -exec rm -f {} \;
Cold Backup Crontab Example
As root do crontab -e then add (modify path/names as needed):
#m(0-59) h(0-23) dom(1-31) m(1-12) dow(0 is Sunday) command 0 3 * * 4 /root/